... that I acquired recently from various online sources, which are mostly crystals, freshwater pearls and semi-precious gemstones - around 60 strands. I'm still waiting for another 60 or so strands, as a result fo impulse buying.
Crystals, Freshwater Pearls, Semi-Precious Stones,
Mother-of-Pearls, Horn, Shells
I've wanted to try wireworking for a long while, so I made a simple bracelet last night (photo on my next post) and DH kinda like it. Knowing that I don't have much wires in my stash, DH took me at Menards this morning where I got most of the stash on the left photo, while the other wires were from Walmart and ebay.
Various Guages of Wires: Ranges from 34 to 16 Guage
Copper, Silver, Annealed Steel, Enameled Steel and Brass
The other night before going to bed, I reminded DH that we will check some copper at the barn (in the backyard, where lots of unwanted stuffs are) in the morning. Unfortunately, it rained kinda hard so we decided to stay inside and by the time the rain stopped mid-afternoon, the lawn is so muddy. DH realized that there are some copper dumped at the side of our house when the electric company changed our electrical post, so he grabbed a couple lengths. The downside is, the copper's so big... I think 10 guage (see left photo). Good thing DH handed me a wire stripper, cutting is so easy with it. I told him I'll gonna keep it in my tool box. LOL I now use it even when cutting my smaller wires. When wegot home earlier, I immediately got busy with my new copper wires (guage 16) and made some coiled components (see right photo). I had to stop when my right fingers got sore... plus my middle and ring fingers got blisters. LOL I might wait a few days before working with wire again.

While in town earlier, I also got some jewelry boxes, felt and plastic mini-boxes that I couldn't resist. They're the perfect size for my beads and components.
Jewelry Boxes, Plastic Mini-Boxes, and Felt
How about you beady friends, what stash did you get recently?