My in-laws goal is to have their christmas gifts shopping done before Thanksgiving. We've exchanged lists weeks ago and we (the women in the family) decided to do some shopping in Des Moines (capital of IA). Though 2 weeks ago, me and MIL did some shopping at out local mall already - JC Penny, Bath & Body Works, etc. Most of what I'll recieve this christmas are things that I picked (personally) myself. LOL My list this year is mainly jewelry related like books and metal stamping tools.
The first destination on our shopping escapade was Harbor Freight... for my gifts! LOL MIL was in-charged on all the stuffs I got from there, they're part of her gifts for me. Aside from the photos below, I also grabbed some copper rings, assorted hammers, files, pliers, etc. We also got some gloves for DH.

By the time we're done at HB, it's lunch time so we headed at the Jordan Creek Mall food court sicne we'll gonna do some shopping on that mall. SIL finished her lunch first so she went over to Apple's to get her daughter ("K") an Ipod - while me and MIL went straight at Barnes & Nobles where we grabbed some books and DVDs. I got MIL a yoga DVD, a birdhouse book and a country living encyclopedia book. MIL got me a jewelry book - though it's not in my list, I knew I had to have it when I saw it... no pattern in there but it's full of inspirations. SIL got some DVD's for DH as well.
Next was Cold Water Creek boutique where SIL got MIL some winter clothings and a pair of jeans for me. We didn't spend much time in there but I managed to browsed their jewelry collection.
One of our main goal on that day was to go to GoodFeet as MIL's having issues with her feet - she's a flat-footed. After a series to this-and-that, she purchased the set for almost a grand. I can't believe those things are that expensive. LOL But the good thing is that the warranty of their products is a for a lifetime... but for almost $1,000 those things must really work. LOL
After GoodFeet, our last destination was TJMaxx... who doesn't like doing there! Really??? LOL High end products for a fraction of the retail cost. I got myself some new trousers, and christmas gifts for "K" and SIL's book. MIL got a coat for "K" and a soft bedsheet for her. SIL got the most stuffs from there as she shopped for her BF's family.
It was a long exhausting but very fun day! I'm super-dooper excited and can't wait to start playing with my (new) toys... but of course I gotta contain myself and wait for christmas.
Hope you're having fun christmas shopping too!
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