It seems like Mother Nature's not contented with the blizzards she thrown upon us this winter so she added a terrible ice storm earlier, which started after midnight. As a result, everything outside is surronded by ICE... as in, literally. Just look at the pictures below of the trees surrounding our yard.

On the positive note, I was glad I carried my camera with me when I went out to check the mailbox. I couldn't resist not to take some shots of the trees, the road and our lawn covered with ice. I was thankful nobody saw me while I was outside enjoying the scenery for a lil' bit or they'll wonder what the heck is wrong with me staying outside longer.
Isn't it amazing how the trees look like? While cropping the photos earlier, an inspiration for my next jewelry piece kicked-in: ICE STORM (there goes the title) made with white & brown stones, clear crystals and/or swarovski. Now I gotta check if my stash can accomodate the execution of the project.
How about you, what inspires you lately? I would love to hear it!
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